The Collège Saint-Charles-Garnier, located in Québec City, Canada, is a private co-educational French high-school. Founded by the Jesuits in
1635, it is the oldest teaching establishment in North America. Collège Saint-Charles-Garnier offers different immersion programs:
– One-year or six-months French immersion in High-School
– 5 week summer French-language program in Québec City
– Customized immersion programs in French for school groups
– 5 week summer English-language program in Victoria, B.-C.
The Collège is accredited by the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, entitling us to offer summer language programs. “En français à
Québec” is designed for non-francophones wishing to learn French. Every summer, we welcome over 300 young people coming from all over the
world, to the Université Laval campus, where they spend 5 weeks. Thanks to our high-calibre team of instructors and facilitators, this is the top-rated
program of its kind in Québec.
“English in Victoria” targets students who wish to improve their English. Each year, some 200 young people enjoy total English-language immersion
for 5 weeks with a host family in British Columbia.
Studying in Québec City means choosing to live entirely in French, in a safe, friendly environment. It means learning about a people’s determination
to preserve and speak their mother tongue.
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